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prevent session data lost when image not found
  • Hi,
    Currently I'm using Session flash data and it is randomly being lost when 404 called due to a missing image.
    I know that it's browser's fault but is there any way to keep Fuel session flash data even when hitting an image not found error?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Change your .htacess rewrite rules.

    The default rules rewrite everything that isn't a file or a directory to index.php, you may want to exclude the public assets folder, so you get a webserver 404 instead of a rewrite to your app.
  • BTW: the reason this isn't there by default is that a missing image is a coding error that should be fixed. If you had used the Asset class to access the image, you would have had a not-found error.
  • Thank you for the prompt reply!
    BTW, have a nice weekend ;-)

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