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Can i use wordpress like plugins system in FuelPHP?
  • Dear,

    I would like to create an app like wordpress do, so it is easy to extent and develop. I have some questions to ask..

    1)  Can i use the modules as wp plugins?
    2) To which default hook should i hook all plugins? or can i have to register separate event for that? (normally , WP plugins are executed very first)
    3) Can i use register hook in themes? wp uses in that way?
  • Wordpress is a CMS. FuelPHP is an application development framework.

    Hooks and Plugins are application level functionality, and FuelPHP is not an application. Your mixing two different things.
  • @Harro was right. FuelPHP itself can't do that. However I have made back-office for begins project with FuelPHP its name is Fuel Start. Please take a look here:

    It's contain users management, permission management, configuration page, multi-site support (as multi-table or site_id in each table. you choose.), the latest thing is plugin hooks.
    And here is the wiki.

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In this Discussion

  • Harro September 2015
  • vee September 2015