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How to use Orm Model $_to_array_exclude on the fly.
  • I am trying to find the best way to limit data for a specific query when using Orm_Model::to_array().

    In the case below, I would like to limit properties in the "accounts" model.

    Generally in cases like this I either just build my own array only keeping the parts I want to reveal, or once in awhile I might do the opposite, and use Orm_Model::to_array() and unset the elements I want to hide after that.

    But I was thinking how can I set the $_to_array_exclude properties on the fly before executing my query, and then reset it to it's original value.

    $results = Model_Accounting_Invoice::query()
    ->where('account_id', $account_id)
    ->where('id', $invoice_id)
  • If you mean you want to be able to filter the result of to_array(), like the ORM equivalent can, it's probably best to create a Model_Crud base model, add a method to define the filter, and overload the to_array() method to honour the defined filter.
  • So I need this model to remain an Orm Model.

    So thinking out loud...

    Do you think I can extend my Orm Model and have that define _to_array_exclude?

    And when I only want those fields I use that Model...

    So for instance...

    class Model_Accounts_Limitied extends Model_Accounts{

    protected static $_to_array_exclude = array(


    Or does that seem to odd....

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    That is what that array is for, see also my answer to your related question.

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