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Return Hook after a function
  • i would like to create menu pages using event.

    so when i call a function like
    $hook = add_menu_page(..........);

    an hook must be registered. and i have to call it as \Event::register('menu_$hook', function(){ add_sub_page(............);});

    as in wordpress way..

    any possibilities
  • Don't know.

    Wordpress is a CMS, an application, FuelPHP is an application framework, something to develop an application in. It does not have a concept of pages as you define it.
  • Dear,


    I asking i want to return a hook after a function. is it possible? how?

    if i create a widget, i want to trigger a hook with it, So that in future, i can use any data to show in the widget by registering event with it,


    can i return a event to a variable?

  • Check the docs, defined events can return data, which is returned when the trigger() method is used to execute the events.

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