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Installed Simple DOM Parser via Composer Class Still Not Found
  • I installed composer following the instruction here. I want to use this package here. With all said and done, when I declare it on my controller, it doesn't find the class. 

    Is there anything I need to do in order to make this work?
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Add the package as a requirement to your composer.json file, and run "composer update" to install it?
  • p.s. How old is your Fuel installation?

    That blogpost is ancient, since 1.6 composer is integrated into Fuel, and since 1.7, Fuel itself is installed using composer.
  • I am using 1.7. I installed the composer on the fuel/app folder. Can I just use the one in the root directory and it will be added?
  • Update:

    So I used the composer on the root directory and added the package at the composer.json and ran the update. you can see in the image that I added them.

    But still, I get the "class not found" error when I declare it.
  • Its okay now. I missed something in the package's docs.

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