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The Fuelphp sample is not working. (Passing functions to views)
  • Passing functions to views

    // In the Presenter
    class Presenter_Index extends Presenter

        public function view()
            $this->echo_upper = function($string) { echo strtoupper($string); };

    // Which you can then use in your view:
    $echo_upper('this string'); // Outputs: "THIS STRING"

    And I get this error:
    Fuel\Core\PhpErrorException [ Warning ]:
    Missing argument 1 for Admin\Controller_Content::Admin\{closure}(), called in /var/www/html/www_ibxbase/fuel/core/classes/view.php on line 285 and defined
  • What version of Fuel are you on?

    It is addressed here ( on July 3rd, which means you need to run 1.8/develop (or backport the View class).
  • I use oil to create project. 
    Do you has most update one, So, I will not getting into the same problem again ?


    sudo su
    sudo curl | sh
    cd /
    sudo oil create /var/www/html/www_project
  • That will install the latest release version, 1.7.3, which doesn't have the fix.

    oil create will do a "git clone", so you can just go into your fuel/core and fuel/packages/... folders, and to a "git checkout 1.8/develop" to switch to the current develop version.

    It is stable enough to use it in production, all our applications run on 1.8/develop.
  • how can i migrate to 1.8/develop from 1.7.3. is documentations are same?
  • No.

    But the fuel/docs repo also has a 1.8/develop branch, and you can find them online at

    When you have local git repo's, you migrate by changing the branch:

    cd ./fuel/core
    git checkout 1.8/develop

    and the same with all installed packages (orm, auth, etc). In case you use Auth, don't forget to run your migrations.

    If you have installed fuel from zip, it's a bit more complicated.
  • Do you have any oil command that I can install the stable production version?
    There are two error it really give me a lot of trouble.

    The first one is "Passing function to view."

    The second one is "Fuel\Core\Fuel::init - The configured locale en_US is not installed on your system." from the log files.

    # quick install oil from the web

    $ curl | sh
    # now that oil is installed, create a blog project in a directory called Sites
    $ cd Sites/
    $ oil create blog
  • oil does install the stable production version, which at this moment is 1.7.3.

    How you switch depends on how you have installed Fuel. If you have local repositories (does ./fuel/core have a .git folder?), I have already told you how to switch. If you don't, you need to install the zip manually.

    The error message is that it says: your config defaults to the locale "en_US", and that is not installed on your system. So either install it, or configure the correct locale. On debian type linux installations, the locale should be "en_US.utf8" for example.
  • I was try the oil and direct download the zip file which say fuelphp v1.7.3

    After install it.

    When I try to "Passing functions to views"

    I still got the same error. 
    Fuel\Core\PhpErrorException [ Warning ]:
    Missing argument 1 for Admin\Controller_Content::Admin\{closure}(), called in /var/www/html/www_ibxbase/fuel/core/classes/view.php on line 285 and defined
  • I already told you that 1.7.3 does not contain the fix.

    If you install from zip, you need to use
  • i think, changing the core file is sufficient? is nt it?
  • You can try, I don't know from the top of my head if it has depencencies with other Fuel components. In general I advise against mixing versions.

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