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Email::forge error
  • Hello,
    I am calling Email::forge();  with no parameters and get the following error:
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Arr::merge() - all arguments must be arrays.');

    it seems the Email::forge function cannot merge the configuration arrays

    I tried a lot of things but don't understand why I am getting this error, any idea on what could cause this or where to look ?

    Thank You,

  • I am adding that in another part of my code, it works with no problem, and I can send an email.
    In the failing part of the code I am using the same way of creating the email, and it fails on Email::forge as said above
  • Can you provide a larger excerpt of your code? It's quite hard to see what's going on with just the error line mentioned. However, if it works in one part of your application, it should work in another, too. So my guess is that there's more likely something with your application logic going wrong ;)
  • Or the email config file is wrong, or doesn't return an array.

    Start by telling us what in the forge() method exactly causes the error, by looking at the backtrace.

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