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FuelPHP Forums

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Quick Suggestion
  • The logo at the top of the forums goes back to the root of the site.
    The logo is not linked at the top of the Documentation pages.

  • Correct observation, it's a shortcut to the homepage.

    Why in your opinion should it go to the documentation?
  • Sorry, that's not what I meant.

    The logo at the top of the documentation, could be a link to
    but it's not.

    When I want to navigate from the docs to the forum, I have to manually
    delete the path.

  • Ah, ok, get it.

    Not quite so easy to modify, the logo is added via css, and the pages are all hardcoded HTML, so quite a lot to change.

    I'll see if I can find an easy way to change it.
  • Done with a bit of awk ;-)

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