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Soft Delete Does Not Restore Relation Once Restored
  • I have a User Model that has a Has_One relation to Model Consultants. When I query for consultants, I can relate it to users with no problem. The Has one has its "cascade delete" set to false.

    My problem, I deleted the user in the table, then restored it, when I query the consultants, it can not relate to the User's model anymore. I can access the Model_Users directly just fine, but relating to that particular deleted user no longer works.

    I am using the 1.8 Develop branch of Orm.
  • Afaik relations are not soft-deleted, so they can not be restored. You might want to ping Steve on IRC to get that confirmed, I've never used soft delete myself.
  • What time does he get on IRC? Please indicate the timezone so that I can talk to him about this.
  • Sorry, Fuel is on GMT, London time.

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