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Is there a way to access the other fields when using a custom validation?
  • Hello,

    I'm now trying to use Fieldset to make a form and would like to validate in a custom way, but I have an issue on accessing some fields.

    My code is below.

    class SampleFormFieldset extends Fieldset {
    function __construct() {
    $this->add('field_1', 'Field 1')->add_rule('custom');
    $this->add('field_2', 'Field 2');

    class CustomValidation {
    function _validation_custom($val) {
    // I'd like to check the value of field_2 here.
    // Ex. if the value of field 1 is 1, then 2 must be 1, and if the value of field 1 is 2, then field 2 must be 4, etc.

    class SampleController {
    function action_sample() {
    $form = new SampleFormFieldset();
    $val = $form->validation();
    if(Input::method() == 'POST' && Security::check_token() && $val->run()) {
    // do something

    What I'd like to achieve is that accessing the value of field 2 from the function `_validation_custom` called through the validation process of the field 1.

    I could access the value by using Input::post('field_2') in the function `_validation_custom`, but would like to access via more appropriate way if possible. (For me it's a bit strange to access Input::post from validation function...)

    Any suggestions?

  • If you want to access another field while validation one, check rules like "match_field" or "required_with" in the Validation class. Both do that.
  • Hi Verton,

    Thanks for the comments.
    I saw the Validation class and found a way to achieve.

    Here is the change I made.

    class SampleFormFieldset extends Fieldset {
    function __construct() {
    $this->validation(CustomValidation::forge($this)); // this sets the extended validation object used for this validation
    $this->add('field_1', 'Field 1')->add_rule('custom', 'field_2');
    $this->add('field_2', 'Field 2');

    class CustomValidation extends Validation {
    function _validation_custom($val, $field_name) {
    $field_value = $this->input($field_name);
    // Use $field_value

    Connecting custom validation object with the Fieldset object did solve the problem.

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