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Select and sort by count(children), Orm or DB
  • Hi,

    I feel like this should be built into Orm. I have a table of clients. Those clients have projects attached to them. I want to sort the table by how many projects each client has. Simple. Or not so much, unless I'm missing something.

    This is what I have:

    $data['clients'] = DB::select(DB::expr(Model_Client::table().'.*, COUNT('.Model_Project::table().'.id) AS num_projects'))

    But now I'm stuck, because it only returns the first result. Is there a simpler way to do this? Am I missing something obvious? How can I get this to work?

  • $clients = Model_Client::query()
                    ->where('account_id', $this->current_user->account_id)
                foreach ($clients as $client)
                    echo $client->name.' => '.count($client->projects).'<br>';
    set Has Many to clients model and Belongs To projects model
  • That doesn't address the count sort order.

    ORM queries support select() and order_by(), perhaps just use atabak's query as the basis and add both? I don't know if the ORM supports DB::expr(), never done it myself.
  • ORM SELECT support DB::expr() [hidden in docs or docs! i cant find it ;) ], but i cant find any way to change field name in orm query builder  (in query, field like `t0`.`id` AS `t0_c0` and then change to model field name when return)

    best way is :
    $data = DB::select(array('', 'cid'), array('', 'cname'), array(DB::expr('(select count(*) from '.Model_Project::table().' where category_id = cid)'), 'pcount'))
                    ->from(array(Model_Client::table(), 'c'))
                    ->join(array(Model_Project::table(), 'p'), 'LEFT')
                    ->on('', '=', 'p.client_id')
                    ->where('c.account_id', $this->current_user->account_id)
                    ->order_by('pcount', 'ASC')
    if you want to use ORM (you must know the field name created in query builder like t0_c0, t0_c1,....):
     $data = Model_Client::query()
                    ->select('*', DB::expr('(select count(*) from '.Model_Project::table().' where category_id = ProjectIDName)')) // t0_c0
                    ->join(array(Model_Project::table(), 'p'), 'LEFT')
                    ->on('', '=', 'p.client_id')
                    ->where('c.account_id', $this->current_user->account_id)
                    ->order_by('CountQueryName', 'ASC') // t0_c2

  • Don't think you can.

    The aliases are generated to make easy hydration possible. The code maintains a columnname-to-alias list so it can convert columnnames in things like where(), but the DB::expr() doesn't have a column name.

    If you insist on using the ORM you might have to hard-code these aliases. I agree with you that a standard DB query is the best way to go.

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