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completely remove login timeout
  • How to completely remove login time out using fuelphp,I checked fuel/core/config/session.php document also...but can't do that...can anyone help me.
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    Login state is maintained in the session, so technically you can set the session cookie timeout to years to prevent session expiry, but that also means none of the other session data will expire.

    It is better to use the "remember me" functionality of the Auth package. You can set the remember-me timeout in the simpleauth/ormauth config file. The default value is 31 days (since last login).
  • ok thanks.
  • can't we do this using fuel configuration.(core modules)
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    As I wrote, you can simply set the session cookie timeout to something very long. But that may have side effects, so it is not advised. It is your app, so ultimately your call...

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