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  • hi
    i must change my app for support multi language
    how can i do it? (fuelphp 1.9)
    i need language show in uri like : http\\sitename\en\module\controller\action
    and load language file by this uri prefix?
    but no idea how to set uri prefix language and get it without change in my old uri address

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    To make sure I understand you, do you want to convert




    and \Lang::set_lang('en');

  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer

    It isn't the best solution, as it makes it difficult to generate links in the application (which now are language dependent). Using a separate language cookie is a better solution, as you can manage the language selection completely different from the code of the app.

    Simply add this to your app bootstrap, after the Fuel::init() call:
  • HarroHarro
    Accepted Answer
    this is how our app framework does it.

    We have the 'supported languages' actually in a lang file, since we use that to create a dropdown in the app page header so the user can select another language. The controller action that is called will then also set the cookie. We use this action:
  • thanks, yes i see, can i set lang prefix in main app config file and then use it?
  • Language is already there.

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