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Best way to avoid code duplication with templates
  • Hi guys, I'm creating a website, and is going to be a module for each section. I have a base template wrapper that is going to to be used. This template is going to have several sections - header/menu, content, sidebar, footer. These sections are all obviously dynamic. My controllers are extending \Controller_Template. What's the best way to avoid having to use a before() and after() in every one of my controllers to generate the above sections? Am I going to have to create my own \Controller_Template class to replace the default one (by copying and pasting the existing one into app/classes and modify the before()/after() there), or is there another way to do this that's already built-in?
  • Check Extending Core classes on how to extend a Core class like Controller_Template without overwriting it. Just be sure to call parent::before() and parent::after() when you overwrite those methods or the Controller_Template won't function the same anymore.
  • Okay, thought so. Works perfect. Thanks for the wonderful framework (seriously!). I always wanted to get into Kohana - but the docs weren't good enough when I was looking. I used CI for a long time, but I found it was too much 'convention' over 'configuration' and that there were limits to the things I could do with it. So far, it seems like Fuel is just the right balance. I love that it's PHP 5.3, and as a result it's super easy to overload anything - yet still have access to the original if ever needed. Thanks again!

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