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PHPUnit Configuration does not work as described.

  • First, I want to reference a prior question on this form from 2014:

    Rather than Necro post, I am starting a new topic here and would like to quote from the oil.php configuration file:

    * These phpunit settings allow oil to run your project's phpunit
    * tests. If you've installed phpunit as a global install via
    * pear, then the defaults don't need to be changed. But if you've
    * installed phpunit via some other method such as Composer,
    * you'll need to update these settings to reflect that.
    * autoload_path - the path to PHPUnit's Autoload.php file.
    * binary_path - the full path you'd type into the command line
    *  to run phpunit from an arbitrary directory.
    * For example, if you've installed phpunit via Composer, your
    * autoload_path will probably be something like:
    *     'autoload_path' => VENDORPATH.'phpunit/phpunit/PHPUnit/Autoload.php',
    * and your binary path will probably be something like:
    *     'binary_path' => VENDORPATH.'bin/phpunit',
    * At present, there is no support for phpunit.phar.

    'autoload_path' => 'PHPUnit/Autoload.php' ,
    'binary_path'   => 'phpunit' ,

    It says, "binary_path - the full path you'd type into the command line."

    However, the actual implementation shown in the referenced prior question (and in the most current code I have) does not seem to support this.

    $phpunit_command = \Config::get('oil.phpunit.binary_path', 'phpunit');

    // Check if we might be using the phar library
    $is_phar = false;
    foreach(explode(':', getenv('PATH')) as $path)
    if (is_file($path.DS.$phpunit_command))
    $handle = fopen($path.DS.$phpunit_command, 'r');
    $is_phar = fread($handle, 18) == '#!/usr/bin/env php';
    if ($is_phar)

    This code allows you to change the name of the executable file but does not allow you to specify a full path to the executable.

    If I am incorrect then please teach me. Otherwise, how shall I report a bug? I can submit a fix but I'm not certain which behavior is the desirable behavior.

  • I think a non-breaking fix to this code would be the best solution.
  • Nevermind. Everything runs fine after specifying a correct autoload path. Prior to entering a correct path, oil spits out missing path errors on phpunit.

  • Nevermind. Everything runs fine after specifying a correct autoload path. Prior to entering a correct path, oil spits out missing path errors on phpunit.

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