I've been try sent emails through fuelPHP, but the following error is happening:
fputs(): send of 5 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipeUncaught exception Fuel\Core\PhpErrorException: 8 - fputs(): send of 5 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe in /var/www/html/spc/fuel/packages/email/classes/email/driver/smtp.php on line 274 Callstack:
Does anyone have any idea about what is happening?
That usually happens when the remote closes the connection, so fputs() tries to write to a connection that is no longer there.
You need to debug to figure out what is causing it, could be anything from a problem with the mailserver to using \r\n while the mailserver needs \n or vice-versa.
I haven't been able to send email from localhost, so when trying to do so using swiftMailer applying the configurations mentioned it worked fine. It was necessary to do so in order to be able to send email locally.
When trying to do so when using fuelPHP it just didn't work, because I'm sending it from my local host.
I have tried sending email using the configurations you told me to do but I got the following message:
'Got an unexpected response from host on command: [.] expecting: 250 received'.
Google uses TLS encryption, but I doubt they use an invalid or self-signed certificate.
Rather, I think you have an issue with your server not being able to verify the certificate.In which case disabling "verify peer" should work fine.
In the error message
'Got an unexpected response from host on command: [.] expecting: 250 received'.
it should have a colon after "received", followed by the response it did receive from the server. If nothing was received it should have triggered a timeout exception.
The only alteration I had to do was in new_line parameter in email config, i'm using '\r\n' for now. Because of that I removed swiftMailer library from my project.