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A Warning with dompdf
  • Hi, I need help. I need to generate a pdf from the information generated in a view. I'm using dompdf and I'm getting the following message


    Fuel \ Core \ PhpErrorException [Warning]:
    A non-numeric value encountered
    PKGPATH // pdf / lib / dompdf / include / page_frame_decorator.cls.php @ line 473

    468 $ p = $ frame-> get_parent ();
    469 while ($ p) {
    $ 470 style = $ p-> get_style ();
    471 $ max_y + = $ style-> length_in_pt (array ($ style-> margin_bottom,
    472 $ style-> padding_bottom,
    473 $ style-> border_bottom_width));
    474 $ p = $ p-> get_parent ();
    478 // Check if $ frame flows off the page

    Could someone tell me how I can solve this problem? The call I made from the controller is the following:

    public function action_pdf ($ id = null) {

    $ inscription = Model_Inscripcion :: getInscripcionById ($ id);
    $ data ["insid"] = $ id;
    $ data ["date"] = date ("d / m / Y");
    $ data ["registration"] = $ registration;
    $ data ["anio"] = Model_Admin_Itemscatalogo :: getItem ('cat_desc_anios', $ inscription ['de_anio_inscribe']);
    $ data ["division"] = Model_Admin_Itemscatalog :: getItem ('cat_divisiones', $ inscripcion ['de_division']);

     $ view = View :: forge ('inscriptions / report', $ data, false);

    $ pdf = Pdf :: factory ('dompdf') -> init ();
    $ pdf-> set_paper ("A4", "portrait");
    $ pdf-> load_html ($ view);
    $ pdf-> render ();

  • Never used DomPDF, so I can't comment.

    I think you need to figure out which variable is non-numeric, and why. Perhaps you are missing some setup code somewhere?

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