<?php class Controller_admin_dbtest extends Controller_Template { public $template = 'template_backend'; public function action_index() { $articles = Model_Article::find('all'); $data = array(); $this->template->content = View::factory('admin/test', $data); } public function action_404() { $messages = array('Aw, crap!', 'Bloody Hell!', 'Uh Oh!', 'Nope, not here.', 'Huh?'); $data['title'] = $messages[array_rand($messages)]; // Set a HTTP 404 output header $this->response->status = 404; $this->response->body = View::factory('welcome/404', $data); } } ?>
<?php class Model_Article extends Orm\Model { protected static $_properties = array('articleID', 'articleTitle'); protected static $_primary_key = array('articleID'); public function retreiveArticles(){ } } ?>
Jelmer Schreuder wrote on Sunday 8th of May 2011:Are your paths & filenames fully lowercased? (paste those as well, just to check)
ErrorException [ Notice ]: Undefined index: id PKGPATH/orm/classes/query.php @ line 553:552: { 553: if (is_null($obj[$pk])) 554: {
<?php class Controller_Admin_New extends Controller_Template { public $template = 'template_backend'; public function action_index() { $data['articles'] = Model_Article::find('all'); $data['adminUserName'] = "Jeremy Buff"; $data['adminRole'] = "Lead Developer"; $this->template->title = 'Full Sail Times'; $this->template->content = View::factory('admin/new', $data); } public function action_404() { $messages = array('Aw, crap!', 'Bloody Hell!', 'Uh Oh!', 'Nope, not here.', 'Huh?'); $data['title'] = $messages[array_rand($messages)]; // Set a HTTP 404 output header $this->response->status = 404; $this->response->body = View::factory('welcome/404', $data); } } ?>Migration: (migrations/001_create_articles.php)
<?php namespace Fuel\Migrations; class Create_articles { public function up() { \DBUtil::create_table('articles', array( 'articleID' => array('constraint' => 11, 'type' => 'int', 'auto_increment' => true), 'articleTitle' => array('constraint' => 65, 'type' => 'varchar'), 'articleExcerpt' => array('constraint' => 350, 'type' => 'varchar'), 'articleBody' => array('type' => 'longtext'), 'startDate' => array('type' => 'datetime'), 'endDate' => array('type' => 'datetime'), 'modDate' => array('type' => 'datetime'), 'authorID' => array('constraint' => 11, 'type' => 'int'), ), array('articleID')); } public function down() { \DBUtil::drop_table('articles'); } }Model: (model/article.php)
<?php class Model_Article extends Orm\Model { } /* End of file article.php */
Jelmer Schreuder wrote on Sunday 8th of May 2011:If your primary key is anything other than "id" you need to set it in your class definition, check the docs.
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