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ORM Delete
  • Hi,
    when I want to delete parent object with child relation (has_many), child's rows are not delete but the key is set to 0.

    I don't unterstand why :(

    This is the context :

    I use Fuelphp 1.8.2

    Model Cart

    namespace Cart;

    class Model_Cart extends \Orm\Model 
        protected static $_table_name = 'cart';
        protected static $_primary_key = array('id');

        protected static $_properties = array(

        protected static $_observers = array(
            'Orm\\Observer_CreatedAt' => array(
                'events' => array('before_insert'),
                'mysql_timestamp' => true,

            'Orm\\Observer_UpdatedAt' => array(
                'events' => array('before_update'),
                'mysql_timestamp' => true,

        protected static $_has_many = array(
            'details' => array(
                'key_from' => 'id',
                'model_to' => '\\Cart\\Model_Details',
                'key_to' => 'cart_id',



    Model Cart Details

    namespace Cart;

    class Model_Details extends \Orm\Model 
        protected static $_table_name = 'cart_details';
        protected static $_primary_key = array('id');

        protected static $_properties = array(

        protected static $_observers = array(
            'Orm\\Observer_CreatedAt' => array(
                'events' => array('before_insert'),
                'mysql_timestamp' => true,

            'Orm\\Observer_UpdatedAt' => array(
                'events' => array('before_update'),
                'mysql_timestamp' => true,

        protected static $_belongs_to = array(
            'cart' => array(
                'key_from' => 'cart_id',
                'model_to' => '\\Cart\\Model_Cart',
                'key_to' => 'id',

            'game' => array(
                'key_from' => 'game_id',
                'model_to' => '\\Games\\Model_Game',
                'key_to' => 'id_jeu',

            'room' => array(
                'key_from' => 'room_id',
                'model_to' => '\\Games\\Model_Room',
                'key_to' => 'id_salle',



    $customer_cart = \Cart\Model_Cart::query()
                                        ->where('id', $cart_id)


    This, remove the row in the table 'cart' but don't remove rows in the table 'cart_details' but updated rows and set column 'cart_id' = 0
  • WanWizardWanWizard
    Accepted Answer
    That is because by default, "cascade_delete" on the relation is false. 

    The ORM doesn't know that the client record has no meaning without a parent, so you have to define that. It could for example very well be that the child has other parent objects, or that it itself is a parent in a relation.

  • Thanks Harro, it works!

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