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Oil Migrations questions
  • I've used the following to create the database table users and all the nice fluff that comes with the scaffolding:
    php oil g scaffold user first_name:string last_name:string password:string email:string

    But, I want to add another field to the users table. According to the docs on migrations via oil there are some functions to modify migrations;
    php oil g migration add_add1_to_users add1:string

    Should update the table when I run php oil r migrate but it doesn't. It creates a blank migration class with a blank up and down. Have I mis-understood the functions or is there a bug?
  • I'm not at home so I don't have access to my more complete code, but here's the approach I went for. I had to do it in three parts... Oil - classes/generate/migrations/actions.php... Add in the new info. I also extracted the field formatting from the create method to be used elsewhere. Core - classes/DBUtil.php Had to add classes to work with the columns, I still have to make sure every supported database works, this is for MySQL only ATM. Oil - classes/generate.php Added the add_field_to_table & rename_field_to_newfield_on_table -- Again, I've done more work to this... I just whipped this up at work when I had my ideas. But, I don't want to go through all the trouble of testing and getting it to 100% without knowing if it's the approach you would have approved of, or if there are consequences that I can't foresee.
  • Magic Migrations are currently only supported for create and drop. The reason for this was a limitation in the DBUtil class which did not allow us to add/drop/rename tables, etc. These methods have been added to DBUtil in the develop branch so theoretically they can be added now/soon, but with us meant to be in a feature freeze I'd not recommend it. If somebody is willing to do it in a branch and send a pull request then WAHOO, head to Oil\Generate_Migration_Actions and implement away, all the methods are there, implemented and ready to go, they just need the logic to be put in.
  • That's cool. Thanks for clearing it up guys. :) I'll have a fiddle. Can't wait to see what comes of the framework!
  • I'll try my hand tonight.
  • You're heading along the correct lines yes. Make sure you are working out of develop as changes have been made to magic methods recently. Working out of master = potential duplicated effort.
  • I'm not 100% sure the magic migrations are working at the moment. I haven't gone through the source yet because it hasn't been that important to me... but it has yet to work for me...

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