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Understanding Auth::instance()->get_user_array()
  • What I am trying to do is that prior to rendering a page, i wanna check if the user is logged in and if so customize the page with his or her parameters. to do so I am doing the following: if (Auth::check())
    { $user=Auth::instance()->get_user_array()); } which gives me $user=Array ( [email] => [screen_name] => ) I did this following the docs but what i am not seeing is how the instance of Auth (which was created at login) is being carried over to the next page. Auth::check does not reload the drivers, it just verifies them.. please forgive my ignorance if the question seems to trivial. thanks for the help
  • The Auth drivers use the session class to maintain the users session state.
  • Sorry about that, it was a very stupid novice mistake i made, I forgot to update the "perform_check" method with the right tables to extract the data from. This is why I got an empty array.

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