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Bug in SimpleAuth/reset_password
  • Dear friend,

    In the file package/auth/classes/login/simpleauth.php.
    In the reset_password method, a $user variable was used in the switch case, but it was not defined previously.
    My suggestion is to add a new line, at 475, with the following code:

    $query = \DB::select()->from(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_name'));

    and change the variables $user in the switch case to $query
    and finally change the line to

    $user = $query->execute(\Config::get('simpleauth.db_connection'))->current();

    I hope I can contribute with this simple code.
    Thanks in advance
  • just to add: I'm using version 1.9-dev
  • WanWizardWanWizard
    Accepted Answer
    Oops, that's a dumb fault! Thanks for reporting it, fix pushed.
  • Thanks for your fix.

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