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Problems with Simpleauth in 1.9/develop?
  • Hi,

    I'm trying to upgrade my projects to 1.9, and now I'm getting an error when I try to login to my backend.

    I get this error:

    If I downgrade my project to 1.8x, it works again.

    Do I have to change anything in the configuration/config files to make it work?

  • Looks like you haven't run the auth migrations after you've upgraded?

    A per-user salt has been added to increase the security of the generated password hash.

    edit: please note that this is a one-way migration, once added, salts can not be removed without invalidating the password hashes. So have a backup before you migrate.

    edit: migration will not regenerate the passwords, so the salt will only be added and make the hash more secure when a user changes the password and it is hashed again.
  • Exactly, I had not executed the migrations. my mistake. Now is working fine.

  • WanWizardWanWizard
    Accepted Answer
    Thanks for the feedback.

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