class Fieldset extends \Fuel\Core\Fieldset { public function my_show_errors() { $html = parent::show_errors(); return $html; } }After doing this, I receive the following error:
class Fieldset extends \Fuel\Core\Fieldset { public function my_show_errors() { $format = array( 'open_list' => '<div class="form-errors error"><p class="form-error-heading">There were errors in your form:</p><ol>', 'close_list' => '</ol></div>', 'open_error' => '<li>', 'close_error' => '</li>', 'no_errors' => '', ); $html = parent::show_errors($format); return $html; } }This goes in app/bootstrap.php:
Autoloader::add_classes(array( // Add classes you want to override here // Example: 'View' => APPPATH.'classes/view.php', 'Security' => APPPATH.'classes/security.php', 'Session' => APPPATH.'classes/session.php', 'Fieldset' => APPPATH.'classes/fieldset.php', ));This goes in app/classes/mode/news.php:
public static function set_form_fields(Fieldset $form, $news_id = null) { // Calls to $form->add() go here }Let me know if you need any further info.
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