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Supported databases
  • Hi, i'm very interested in using FUEL for a new project but I have to know, which database engines currently supported besides MySQL. Thanks
  • Fuel comes with drivers for native MySQL, MySQLi and PDO.
    PDO implements drivers for these database engines:
  • Thanks for quick reply, that sounds good and I think I'll give it a try ;)
  • My €.02, • The mysql(i) driver can connect to compatible databases such as MariaDB and maybe Drizzle (haven't tried it)
    • MySQL versions 5.1.33 through 5.1.54 and MariaDB support the IBMDB2I storage engine which is useful if you want to store data in a format that can be accessed from IBM i applications (financial organisations such as insurance companies might have this).
    • Connections are opened directly to the server, HTTP bridges aren't supported yet
    • PDO with PostgreSQL is just a matter of:
    'connection' => array(
            'dsn' => 'pgsql:',
    Under this setup, every server that requires its own role would run in its own unix account. Doing so is easy with spawn-fcgi2, which also supports chroot() although you'd need to bind-mount at least /var/run/postgresql into every chroot jail. And I'd crawl over an acre of Firebird and MySQL to get to PostgreSQL. Thank you ;)
    EDIT: Something is messing up my UTF surrogates.

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