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db backend
  • Is there a database-backend driver for fuelphp ?
    if not, I'm considering writing one, something like I want to know, what is the best way to handle permissions for the roles ? you think it should be a serialized/json_enocded or another table ?
  • I was a bit confused about the term "database backend", but after looking at the link provided, you mean an authentication and authorisation system? Yes, it's included in Fuel by default, in the package Auth. It has support for users, groups and ACL's, and it's is driver based so every easy to extend to accomodate your requirements. From the look of that CI page, I'd say that all that is covered in the available drivers though.
  • Yes, the thing is the groups/roles/permissions are stored in .php file not in the database and that's not so "dynamic".
  • You could always extend or copy simpleauth, simplegroup and simpleacl... replace the file manipulation part with database calls and use that. Shouldn't take too long...

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