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Security opinion
  • Hi, I was about to start my new project but came across several issues.
    Let's say I'm building a messaging feature (~a tiny mail system).
    How would you design your URI? How about preventing another user from viewing others messages? Regards
  • Say you have a messages table like this: id
    blahh In view controller, you can check if the user_id matches with the logged on user_id in the session.
  • So how about the URI?
    You propably would have ROOT/messages/... Should I set message/user_ID/message_ID? Isn't this a security flaw?
  • peter vercauteren wrote on Wednesday 18th of May 2011:
    So how about the URI?
    You propably would have ROOT/messages/... Should I set message/user_ID/message_ID? Isn't this a security flaw?

    Don't pass user_id in the url, how are you authenticating the user? if you use simpleauth you can do something like that:
    public function action_view($message_id)
      $user = Auth::instance()->get_user_id();
      $user_id = $user[1];
      //Get the message from the database.
      $query = Model_Message::find()->where('message_id', $message_id);
      $message = $query->get_one();
      //Check permission
      // show the message.
      // don't have permission so redirect them to whereever.
  • thanks, that helps me alot :)
  • np, make sure you check permission when deleting messages.

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