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Log reader
  • Hi, So I was thinking of creating a log reader and share the code with you guys... Ironicly, I need your help :D
    The idea was that you enter the date range and you get two simple columns: 1- left: menu with each day
    2- right: logs of that specific date + filter search on type of log Now I know how to program all this (well kinda) except for the most important part.
    I can't seem to use the read() and read_dir() method on the directory logs
    $dirs = File::read_dir(DOCROOT.'fuel/app/logs/');
    = empty, altough I have around 30 days of log files. Any workaround? Regards
  • Ow there goes my dream of being the first :) That was actually exactly what I imagined it to be. Thanks for the link!
  • i'm sure you'll do it better :)

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