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'&' (ampersand's) in Form Input fields
  • Using the form class to create an input field, i.e. Form::Input(), ampersands (&'s) are converted to & amp; Does anyone know of a way to get around this or is there a reason that ampersands are used? Say I'm entering information in the database is there not a way to see it how i entered it? Does what I said even make sense? I'm pretty bloody tired! PS the function that transforms values for an input is in Fuel\Core\Form::prep_value(); Having wrote this far I thought i'd throw in a screenshot for you: before saving to DB: after retrieving from DB:
  • Ben Corlett wrote on Sunday 29th of May 2011:
    Using the form class to create an input field, i.e. Form::Input(), ampersands (&'s) are converted to & Does anyone know of a way to get around this or is there a reason that ampersands are used? Say I'm entering information in the database is there not a way to see it how i entered it? Does what I said even make sense? I'm pretty bloody tired! PS the function that transforms values for an input is in Fuel\Core\Form::prep_value(); Having wrote this far I thought i'd throw in a screenshot for you: before saving to DB: after retrieving from DB:

    In the documentation for Views look up '$auto_encode' when set to false it won't filter with htmlentries.
  • I've turned the encoding off altogether in my views however this is unrelated to that. The value you give to the form input is manipulated in the form class I was wondering if anyone has a workaround aside from not using the form class?
  • [EDITed: I changed this just now in the dev branch to work better] Use a form.php config file or set this after you've loaded the form class but before rendering the form:
    Config::set('form.prep_value', false);

    And it shouldn't be encoded anymore.

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