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Session Class is Acting Strange!
  • This is strange...
    \Session::set( 'user', array(
     'id' => static::get_id( $username ),
     'access' => 1,
     'username' => $username // Optional.
    ) );
    Debug::dump( Session::get( 'user' ) );
    Debug::dump( Session::get( 'user.access' ) );
    APPPATH/views/index.php @ line: 5
    Variable #1:
    array(5) {
      string(8) "daGrevis"
    APPPATH/views/index.php @ line: 6
    Variable #1:
    string(1) "4"

    I'm using latest "develop branch" with no extra Session class' configuration.
  • After cookies clearing all works.

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