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Conditional join with DB class
  • How can i do conditional join with the db class? \DB::select(
    'photos.user_id','photos.img', 'photos.screened', '', 'users.username'
    ->join('photos', 'LEFT')
    ->on('', '=', 'photos.user_id' AND `photos`.`screened`=1') Is this possible? Thanks.
  • Why not just add a where clause? `photos`.`screened`=1' Here is link in docs:
  • got it working with this. ( Thanks jschreuder )
      ->on('', '=', 'photos.user_id')
    ->on('photos.default', '=', DB::expr(1))
  • Great!
    Could you update the doc to illustrate this ?
  • Added some clarification to the docs (1.4/develop).

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