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Tutorial Idea -
  • Tutorial Idea - "Deconstructing Fuel" I've never really gotten past the "this is a variable, this is a function, don't forget the semicolon" stage of PHP. When you start getting into design patterns (took me a while to figure out what was going on with the factory() thingy), it gets a little tougher for those of us self-learning PHP through the web. Other than the obligatory "Getting Started With Fuel By Building A Basic Insecure Blog" tutorial that I'm sure will come out with the 1.0 release (which most people will just copy/paste from), I was thinking that a "Deconstructing Fuel" article would be a great compliment as well. The idea being that if you understand how the framework works, well, you'd be able to use it better, and perhaps, even gain enough confidence to contribute formal error reports and fixes, rather than just complaining on Twitter. For example, you start by explaining how the .htaccess routes all traffic through index.php, then you explain what's going on next. "This class gets loaded from here, and it knows to look in that folder because of..." When you say things like "Register the autoloader", explain what you mean and why you're doing it that way. Basically, an article that takes you though the process of a complete request, with some insight thrown in. Sure, we can look through the source code (and I do), but that is time consuming, and you already need to know some of the more advanced concepts and patterns to see how it all fits together (I don't). Sorry if this idea is dumb, or if it sounds like I'm asking for a PHP tutorial. I got the idea after reading (on Reddit I think) that a good way to get proficient at PHP is to create your own framework. That got me thinking that learning how an established framework (you guys have awesome talent on your team) works would be an even better idea, since a beginner/intermediate programmer creating his own framework sounds disastrous, and he'd miss the peer review and best practices that you guys have. TL;DR Basically, an article that takes you though the process of a complete request, with some insight thrown in.

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