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Blog module in development: Need input.
  • Hey everyone, I'm developing a blog module for Fuel. I'm trying to make it as portable and modular as possible: With that in mind, would you guys like to see a blog module with its own comment system, or implement a system like disqus like you see on this websites blog?
  • I've decided to scrap what I've worked on thus far and re-implement the blog module. The current implementation is causing more problems than its worth and I would like it to be infinitely more expandable... I am beginning re-development this week, features will include... - Polymorphic tagging and comments, so the tagging and commenting system can be re-used throughout different application components.
    - Photoblog components.
    - Tumblr style posting. Any other suggestions?
  • I'll probably start work on something similar soon, there's 1 topic on the top of my list: implement anti-spam measures.
    You need at least solutions for captcha & filtering, if I end up writing these I'll release them as well but it'll be a couple of weeks. Also IP/user restriction for the amount of posts made within a short timespan - but that'll probably always be app specific. For the other two I'd envision libs like the Cache/Session libs in the core with a generic front class and drivers for implementations. The captcha should probably have one driver for native image generation and one for reCaptcha. The filtering class should have at least a driver for something like Akismet.
  • Well I'll be writing at least the base this week if you care to use what I come up with to start. Problem is I tried to avoid the orm package and have now changed my mind. I just ended up reimplementing orm functionality. We have a captcha solution finished in our fuel-google package if you care to see.
  • I also just finished up the beginnings of a fuel-textfilter package. The basic idea is to apply filters to any text input... Primarily the Response output string... Currently I have filters for censoring, automatically adding in acronym tags, astripping HTML tags, and transforming markdown to XHTML. If you care to use it... could be useful in a blog. As far as Akismet goes, couldn't be that hard to implement, perhaps I will whip something up during the development of the Blog and release that.
  • Yeah at last the previous message is now displayed in forum reply great. Anyway just for your info here is what I use for anti-spam. Spam bots don't work on this as it's never part of the html code. Phil.
  • Phil Foulston wrote on Tuesday 26th of July 2011:
    Yeah at last the previous message is now displayed in forum reply great. Anyway just for your info here is what I use for anti-spam. Spam bots don't work on this as it's never part of the html code. Phil.

    I guess that's one way, but check out's code, in git. In it a hidden field is used so stop spambots from registering.
  • I think in the first instance it should have it's own commenting system then at a later date you could extend it.

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