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Fuel CMS Page Package
  • Hi, I have uploaded a basic CMS Page package for Fuel. It's just a starting point at the moment. I will wait and see if it generates any interest before expanding upon it. Feedback would be nice though. Have fun :)
  • Lol I see you used that little config::installed bit. :)
  • Yeah thought it was cool so I stole it :) Hope you don't mind? What do you think of CmsPage as a starting point? Need input. I was thinking of writing a module management package done some basic stuff:
    foreach (array_keys(\File::read_dir(APPPATH . DS . 'modules', 1)) as $module)
                \Fuel::add_module ($module);
                \Config::load ($module . '::' . $module, $module);
                $data ['modules'] [$module] = \Config::get ($module);
    foreach($modules as $key => $info)
      echo '<h2>'.ucfirst($key).'</h2>';
      echo \Html::anchor($key, ucfirst($key)).'&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
      echo \Html::anchor($key.'/admin', ucfirst($key).'&nbsp;Admin');
      echo '<p>';
      echo $info['name'];
      echo '<br />';
      echo $info['description'];
      echo '<br />';
      echo $info['author'];
      echo '<br />';
      echo $info['version'];
      echo '<br />';
      echo $info['installed'] ? 'true' : 'false';
      echo '</p>';
      echo '<hr />';

    It uses a config file but could drive an installer etc... But thought I would wait to see if there is much interest in the CmsPage package first.
  • Phil Foulston wrote on Sunday 24th of July 2011:
    Yeah thought it was cool so I stole it :) Hope you don't mind? What do you think of CmsPage as a starting point? Need input. I was thinking of writing a module management package done some basic stuff:
    foreach (array_keys(\File::read_dir(APPPATH . DS . 'modules', 1)) as $module)
                \Fuel::add_module ($module);
                \Config::load ($module . '::' . $module, $module);
                $data ['modules'] [$module] = \Config::get ($module);
    foreach($modules as $key => $info)
      echo '<h2>'.ucfirst($key).'</h2>';
      echo \Html::anchor($key, ucfirst($key)).'&nbsp;-&nbsp;';
      echo \Html::anchor($key.'/admin', ucfirst($key).'&nbsp;Admin');
      echo '<p>';
      echo $info['name'];
      echo '<br />';
      echo $info['description'];
      echo '<br />';
      echo $info['author'];
      echo '<br />';
      echo $info['version'];
      echo '<br />';
      echo $info['installed'] ? 'true' : 'false';
      echo '</p>';
      echo '<hr />';

    It uses a config file but could drive an installer etc... But thought I would wait to see if there is much interest in the CmsPage package first.

    I think a CMSPage package could be so much more... But my only concern would be that a CMS package uses so much more of the framework that a package may not be the best way to approach it. Perhaps a fork and bundling in custom modules and packages to an entire installation. Sort of like PyroCMS does... I don't know, I just see a bigger idea here than what's there at present... That's not a knock on you at all...
  • No worries :) No offence taken as it's not meant to be a complete CMS solution. It's just one small package to handle pages. The way I was thinking was to produce bite size chunks like CmsPage then produce something like a module manager etc... so people could simply use the bits they need. I agree that for a full blown CMS you might have to start ripping Fuel apart to allow for an implementation like PyroCms. This is more to satisfy a requirement where a full blown CMS is not needed but a simple page management is. In hind sight I should have called it something like dynamic_pages to avoid confusion.
  • Ah. I get it now. Perhaps a different name would help the confusion.
  • This has now been rename to DbPage see new thread.
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