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FuelPHP Forums

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Cookie size
  • I get this error now and then, can't access the forum at all without deleting the cookies. HTTP 502 Proxy Error - The size of the response header is too large.
  • There is a 4kb limit to a cookie, perhaps your code is assigning too much?
  • Sorry Phil, I should have mentioned that I was getting the error on this forum. It happens when I try to reply to a topic or when creating a topic.
  • Ha! Well as you can see these forums are bloody awful, but we are working on it.
  • thanks, it would be good if you can integrate facebook and twitter login :)
  • 5xx server response codes "usually" indicate some sort of server or upstream problem. I in no way think it's related directly to the size of your cookie. I did read somewhere clearing the browser cache seems to fix the problem even if only temporarily. I read alot of stuff about ISA servers on the web in regards to this response code so I'm not exactly sure what the problem could be.

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