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Observer_Slug, creating unique slugs with a befor_insert() observer
  • Hello, For one of my projects I've developed this Observer_Slug. I wish someone find it useful! tilman explained fantastically what does this observer.
    A slug is a term usually describing a uri-friendly version of a property of a data object.
    In this case, the name field. What this observer does is, it takes whatever you have in your name field and creates a unique slug, to be used in uris and saves it in the slug field. e.g.:
    Name: "Your mum's a slug"
    Slug: "your-mums-a-slug"
    If "your-mums-a-slug" exists, it will be "your-mums-a-slug-1"

     * Slug observer gives you the hability of auto add
     * unique slugs based on the passed properties.
     * @author      Isern Palaus
     * @license     MIT License
     * @copyright   2011 Isern Palaus
     * @link        [url=][/url]
    class Observer_Slug extends \Orm\Observer
        public static $property = 'slug';
        public static $from     = 'name';
        public function before_insert($obj)
            $obj->{static::$property} = self::unique_slug($obj->{static::$from}, $obj::table());
        public static function unique_slug($name, $table)
            $slug = \Inflector::friendly_title($name);
            $titles = array();
            $query = \DB::query("SELECT slug FROM $table WHERE slug RLIKE '(".$slug.")(-[0-9]+)?$'")->execute();
            if(count($query) > 0)
                foreach($query->as_array() as $item)
                    $titles[] = $item["slug"];
            $total  = count($titles);
            $last   = end($titles);
            * No equal results, return $slug
            if($total == 0)
                return $slug;
            * If we have only one result, we look if it has a number at the end
            elseif($total == 1)
                * Take the only value of the array, because there is only 1
                $exists = $titles[0];
                * Kill the slug and see what happens
                $exists = str_replace($slug, "", $exists);
                * If there is no light about, there was no number at the end.
                * We added it now
                if("" == trim($exists))
                    return $slug."-1";
                * If not..........
                else {
                    * Obtain the number because of REGEX it will be there... ;-)
                    $number = str_replace("-", "", $exists);
                    * Number plus one.
                    return $slug."-".$number;                
            * If there is more than one result, we need the last one
            else {
                * Last value
                $exists = $last;
                * Delete the actual slug and see what happens
                $exists = str_replace($slug, "", $exists); 
                * Obtain the number, easy.
                $number = str_replace("-", "", $exists);
                * Increment number +1
                return $slug."-".$number;

    How to use it: APP/classes/model/test.php
    class Model_Test extends \Orm\Model {
        protected static $_observers = array(
            'Slug'                      => array('before_insert'),
            '\Orm\Observer_CreatedAt'   => array('before_insert'),
            '\Orm\Observer_UpdatedAt'   => array('before_save'),

    King regards!
  • Hi Isern, thanks for sharing your observer! Could you put it on github and ask for a pull-request so others can find your superb code more easy? Maybe you should ask dhorrigan or wanwizard where best to put it?
  • Awesome, I've been looking into creating my own but this will do just fine. Many thanks.
  • How about a couple of english sentences to define "slug" and give a use case.
    At a higher level, what does this do ?
    Maybe describe the possible values for "the passsed properties"... Looks like an example of using observers to grow a table of 'tags' or 'related material' ?
    Maybe 'slug' is a new usage of an old term? Or is it wordpress-specific ...? I'm almost certain I know from the code (thanks for sharing) but would appreciate the english.
  • Can't describe better than tilman did. I quote your description on first post. And yes, Inflector does that! :-) Thank you!
  • Always happy to help ;)
  • A slug is a term usually describing a uri-friendly version of a property of a data object.
    In this case, the name field. What this observer does is, it takes whatever you have in your name field and creates a unique slug, to be used in uris and saves it in the slug field. e.g.:
    Name: "Your mum's a slug"
    Slug: "your-mums-a-slug"
    If "your-mums-a-slug" exists, it will be "your-mums-a-slug-1" (Note: Not sure, the Inflector does that exact transformation, but along the lines of)

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