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SQL error with conditional relation ORM query
  • I have two models photos and a promote_photo. Basically users can vote on a photo they like (once). I'm trying to see if the viewing user has promoted a photo but I'm getting an SQL error ONLY when I add conditions to the relation.
    class Model_Photo extends Orm\Model {
        protected static $_properties = array('id', 'user_id', 'full', 'med', 'icon', 'map', 'place_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at');
        protected static $_observers = array(
            'Orm\Observer_CreatedAt' => array('before_insert'),
            'Orm\Observer_UpdatedAt' => array('before_save'),
        protected static $_belongs_to = array(
            'user' => array(
                'key_from' => 'user_id',
                'model_to' => 'Model_Profile',
                'key_to' => 'user_id',
                'cascade_save' => false,
                'cascade_delete' => false,
            'place' => array(
                'key_from' => 'place_id',
                'model_to' => 'Model_Place',
                'key_to' => 'id',
                'cascade_save' => false,
                'cascade_delete' => false,
            'promoted' => array(
                'key_from' => 'id',
                'model_to' => 'Model_Promote_Photo',
                'key_to' => 'photo_id',
                'cascade_save' => false,
                'cascade_delete' => true,
    class Model_Promote_Photo extends Orm\Model {
        protected static $_properties = array('id', 'user_id', 'photo_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at');
        protected static $_observers = array(
            'Orm\Observer_CreatedAt' => array('before_insert'),
            'Orm\Observer_UpdatedAt' => array('before_save'),
        protected static $_belongs_to = array(
            'user' => array(
                'key_from' => 'user_id',
                'model_to' => 'Model_Profile',
                'key_to' => 'user_id',
                'cascade_save' => false,
                'cascade_delete' => false,
            'photo' => array(
                'key_from' => 'photo_id',
                'model_to' => 'Model_Photo',
                'key_to' => 'id',
                'cascade_save' => false,
                'cascade_delete' => false)

    and I'm using the ORM find() to query the database as follows.
     $photos = Model_Photo::find()
                    ->where('user_id', $id)
                    ->order_by('created_at', 'desc')

    The error is as follows Fuel\Core\Database_Exception [ Error ]: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 't' in 'where clause' with query: "SELECT AS t0_c0, t0.user_id AS t0_c1, t0.full AS t0_c2, AS t0_c3, t0.icon AS t0_c4, AS t0_c5, t0.place_id AS t0_c6, t0.created_at AS t0_c7, t0.updated_at AS t0_c8, AS t1_c0, t1.user_id AS t1_c1, t1.photo_id AS t1_c2, t1.created_at AS t1_c3, t1.updated_at AS t1_c4 FROM (SELECT, t0.user_id, t0.full,, t0.icon,, t0.place_id, t0.created_at, t0.updated_at FROM photos AS t0 WHERE t0.user_id = '12' ORDER BY t0.created_at DESC LIMIT 12 OFFSET 0) AS t0 LEFT JOIN promote_photos AS t1 ON ( = t1.photo_id) WHERE t = 's' AND t = '2'" Obviously it shouldnt be where t='s' and t-'2' I haven't seen many examples of conditional relations maybe I'm doing something wrong. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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