I used Fuel's HTML class along with some simple recursion and design logic to automatically generate HTML from my language files, so no more need to write markup and echo out pieces of the language file one at a time = )
Check it out on Github:
I made this in about an hour, so it may be buggy. However, I am currently using it on my own project so I think you could as well.
I just pushed some updates to this. I'm using it in two apps now.
You can now use a numerically indexed array for repeating keys (like repeating paragraph tags). Also supports IDs in addition to classes now (so, for example you can do div.whatever or div#whatever as your array key and <div class="whatever"></div> or <div id="whatever"></div> will be generated by the parser).
The full details are in the README file: https://github.com/calvinfroedge/Hydro---Lang-File-2-HTML-Parser-for-FuelPHP/blob/master/README.md
Is anyone else using this? It's saved me writing tons of HTML manually.