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Pagination class enhancement
  • Hello, It would be nice if we can write what we want in the prev and the next link with the create_links metod... for me i modify it like this :
     public static function create_links([b]$prev = null, $next = null[/b])
      if (static::$total_pages == 1)
       return '';
          $prev = '« Previous';
          $next = 'Next »';
      $pagination = '';
      // Let's get the starting page number, this is determined using num_links
      $start = ((static::$current_page - static::$num_links) > 0) ? static::$current_page - (static::$num_links - 1) : 1;
      // Let's get the ending page number
      $end   = ((static::$current_page + static::$num_links) < static::$total_pages) ? static::$current_page + static::$num_links : static::$total_pages;
      $pagination .= ' '.static::prev_link([b]$prev[/b]).'  ';
      for($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++)
       if (static::$current_page == $i)
        $pagination .= '<b>'.$i.'</b>';
        $url = ($i == 1) ? '' : '/'.$i;
        $pagination .= \Html::anchor(rtrim(static::$pagination_url, '/') . $url, $i);
      $pagination .= ' '.static::next_link([b]$next[/b]);
      return $pagination;

    It would be nice to set this as attributes...
    If you have beter idea or other idea...?

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