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Themes like in wordpress
  • I rather like the way wordpress themes work, and was curious if anyone can give me a general outline about setting up a site with fuelphp to work with themes in a similar way. Essentially, the themes aren't just different CSS, but completely different images (like logos), layout, footers, sidebars, etc. One theme might display the last 10 blog posts in the sidebar, and another might not, meaning some custom PHP and database requests will have to (?) be in the theme. I'm not sure how to fit this into the MVC structure. I'm guessing "Controller_Template" is meant for this sort of thing, but I'm not sure about the themes themselves, or where they should be stored in the folder structure. Each theme will have PHP, CSS, Images and other media, and possibly Javascript files for custom stuff like a slideshow in the header of a certain theme. So, say I have a "Default" theme, and also have "Sunny Days" and "Gotham City" themes. Where should these folders be, how should they be named (underline for spaces?), would non-php files go inside these folders too, or would an extra "Sunny Days" folder (for css, images, js, etc) be in the webroot? Thanks for reading and giving your ideas and theories about how you'd do this.
  • I would create a Controller_Frontend or Controller_Public that contains this logic. Your actual controller would just set parent::$theme = 'foo' then the Controller_Public would create the path to the correct layout file and various other bits of related functionality.
  • I think you need to create your own class which will extend Controller_Template, in this class you can define template logic.

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