I am starting with a new project and decided to stick with Fuel over Codeigniter, and for the most part things are going smoothly. I have tried loading in some other modules I found on github: shopping cart (https://github.com/ninjarite/ecommerce) and Amazon S3 (https://github.com/tomschlick/fuel-s3). The issue I am having is that when I load these modules the config files are not being read by the \Config:load function. I was able to move the config array into the class itself, but I am wondering if there is a bigger issue of why isn't it loading. Any help getting the configs to load correctly would really help.
--- app
This works after moving the config array into the cart.php file under classes.
$cart = new \Ecommerce\Cart();
$view = View::factory('welcome/index');
$view->set('items', $cart->items());
Doing a var_dump on any config item returns NULL from a module.
Ecommerce and Amazon S3 are packages, not modules.
Also the config.php file is not supposed to be read when loading a module or a package.
For packages, the bootstrap.php is executed when the package is added.