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SimpleAuth Update Profile Information
  • First, I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this. Below is the code I am using, it seems to be working fine, just want to make sure this is the best way to be doing this. This takes info from the form and updates just the profile_fields in the simpleauth database. The \Notify is a class I wrote that just makes it simple to display jquery notices for messages.
    public function action_profile()
      if (\Input::method() === 'POST')
       // create instance of validation
       $val = \Validation::factory();
       // add fields to validate
       $val->add_field('profile_fields.first_name', 'First Name', 'trim|required|min_length[2]|max_length[32]');
       $val->add_field('profile_fields.last_name', 'Last Name', 'trim|required|min_length[2]|max_length[32]'); 
       if ($val->run())
        $update = \Auth::instance()->update_user($_POST['profile_fields']);
        if ($update)
         // send success notification to browser
         \Notify::add(\Lang::line('settings.profile_updated'), 'success');
         // unset $_POST so we are using the freshest profile data
         $_POST = NULL;
         \Notify::add(\Lang::line('settings.profile_error'), 'error', 8000);
      // decide what to prefill form values
      if (empty($_POST))
       $this->template->set_global('profile_fields', \Auth::instance()->get_profile_fields(), false);
       $this->template->set_global('profile_fields' , $_POST, false);
      // set the default page title
      $this->template->set('page_title' , 'Dashboard :: Settings + Trucero');
      // set the content view
      $this->template->set('content' , 'settings/user_settings'); 

    Thank you in advance for any input.
  • Very weel, I have only one thing to add to your code.
    You do that:
    $update = \Auth::instance()->update_user($_POST['profile_fields']);

    But this isn't correct: you run the validation but you update profile information using $_POST variables.
    You can use validated field instead of Post field:
    $user_data['email'] = $val->validated('email');
    $user_data['old_password'] = $val->validated('old_password');
    $user_data['password'] = $val->validated('new_password');
        // To something

    Bye bye
  • Thank you for the response.... I am not sure why I used $_POST there rather than the "validated"... Thanks again! Hope someone else finds this useful as well.
  • Great example. Can you post the Form that you used for this?

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