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View partials - best way to do them?
  • Hey all, I just started playing with Fuel and I'm really digging it. I did come across a bump though... how do you implement the concept of "view partials" (to take a name from Rails)? For example, I have a chunk of code like this inside one of my views: <?php foreach($photoset as $photo): ?>
    <?php $photo_view = View::factory('articles/_photo'); ?>
    <?php $photo_view->set('photo', $photo); ?>
    <?php echo $photo_view->render(); ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?> This seems very chunky to me. The three lines inside the foreach should really just be a single line. Is there a cleaner way to do this? (And why doesn't the "code" button work? Actually, none of those buttons work for me (b, i, u, code, quote, url, email).
  • foreach($photoset['photoset']['photo'] as $photo)
        echo View::factory('articles/_photo', array('photo' => $photo));
  • Perfect! Thanks.

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