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Inflector::friendly_title question
  • If i have string with question mark like: "Would you like some tea?"
    friendly_title method with default settings returns "Would-you-like-some-tea?", maybe it should remove that question mark? Thanks.
  • Maybe extend friendly_title like so?:
    public static function friendly_title($str, $sep = '-', $lowercase = false)
      // Allow underscore, otherwise default to dash
      $sep = $sep != '_' ? '-' : $sep;
      // Decode all entities to their simpler forms
      $str = html_entity_decode($str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
      $trans = array(
       '\s+' => $sep,   // one or more spaces => seperator
       $sep.'+' => $sep,  // multiple seperators => 1 seperator
       $sep.'$' => '',   // ending seperator => (nothing)
       '^'.$sep => '',   // starting seperator => (nothing)
       '\.+$' => '',   // ending dot => (nothing)
       '\?' => ''    // question mark
      foreach ($trans as $key => $val)
       $str = preg_replace("#".$key."#i", $val, $str);
      // Only allow 7bit characters
      $str = static::ascii($str);
      // only allow chars and numbers
      $str = preg_replace("#[^a-z0-9\-\._]#i", '', $str);
      $str = \Security::strip_tags($str);
      if ($lowercase === true)
       $str = \Str::lower($str);
      return $str;
  • Good spot, I've made this change in the develop branch.

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