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Why git?
  • Hello, I'm new to FuelPHP, I just downloaded and installed the FW and did the oil create <project_name> I see it creates many files related with git cvs. Why this? Shouldn't it be independent of the cvs I want to use? Is there a way (maybe a parameter) that I can set when calling oil create that does not create all the git files? Thanks in advance for any tip you can give :) Nevermind, I see the git files are only in the root folder P.S: I've read all the docs about the FW and looks VERY good!
  • oil at the moment only supports git for installs. We're working at providing other means of installation (for example zip files) of both the core and (third party) packages.
  • It's ok, I just need to get used to it. Thanks for your reply!

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