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Using PyroCMS and fuelphp together. Is that crazy?
  • I really like this stuff.
    I'm a great fan of the guys behind fuelphp and pyrocms. Fuel, oil and ORM are awesome tools.
    Really necessary and welcome departures from the old school. But I am old school, and cringe at the task of rolling a community site from scratch. There's a bunch of stuff PyroCMS can do for me today much easier and faster.
    How can I leverage the best of both worlds? Specifically I have materials (content, media, users) from what are now three distinct sites.
    The aim to to merge them. I'm starting with videos. I'm thinking to use the great CRUD tools already started here.
    Devise a schema, create the models and migrations.
    This would define videos as I want to see them logically:
    From transcoding through distribution, categories, metadata, tags, comments, ratings, etc. Instead of a massive one-time conversion, the old sites will live on, but feed their data
    into the new system individually. Sorta client server like. My Grand Video Repository.
    Plan to let the old sites die off and the users migrate to MGVR over time. Meantime, My Thrilling Content Repository is a pyroCMS site full of blogs and pages and blah blah. How would I access the fuelphp videos from within the pyrocms framework?
    Would it be insanely inefficient and complex? On the pyro side I guess I write a model that doesn't make standard codeignitor database calls,
    but instead uses something that reduces to calling on the fuel database.
    Either a curl api or an exec oil call. This gives me plenty of time to build up a complete fuel site slowly,
    while still providing content happily via pyro.
    One foot in each camp. Is that crazy?
  • Email sent to phil at mirthful japanese mercinaries from stewardware. Thank you. I guess my concern was the overhead of invoking two frameworks for a single page hit.
    But I'll worry about it when I've got the details in front of me.
  • I would also like a copy of this if possible. My email is falzhobel at Thanks !
  • It's all a MySQL database, so just call whatever you like from wherever you like. I made a simple IonAuth driver for the Auth package so I can log into PyroCMS sites within Fuel, but I won't share that as a whole package until it is more fleshed out. If you give me an email address I will send it to you.

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