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Repopulate Method
  • Hey devs, Fuel is really coming along and I'm loving it so far. I am running into a slight dilemma though. I am using the repopulate method on the fieldset / form class (it works great) but I have a problem where even if i manually set a value for say a password field for instance it still repopulates that field. Just curious as to if this is a bug or if this is something that wasn't yet implemented or allowed to do. Hell i could be doing it wrong as well. Any help would be appreciated.
  • repopulate() should be run before any other manipulation is done on the fieldset, it can't just check if there's a value already because repopulating should overwrite default values. If you want a value to always be overwritten you have to change it after repopulating has been done.
  • I see, that makes perfect sense actually lol I just did it and it worked. Thanks for the quick support.

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