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Load your view automatically
  • Instead of defining and loading your view in every controller like:
    class Controller_Home extends \Controller_Template
        public function action_index()
            $this->template->body = \View::forge('home/index', $this->data);
        public function action_subscribe()
            $this->template->body = \View::forge('home/subscribe', $this->data);

    This will be sufficient. It loads the expected view, based on the current controller and method.
    class Controller_Home extends \Controller_Base
        public function action_index()
            //loads views/home/index.php as body-part of the template
        public function action_subscribe()
            //loads views/home/subscribe.php as body-part of the template
        public function action_otherpage()
            $this->view = 'an/other/view.php';
            //loads views/an/other/view.php as body-part of the template

    How to achieve this? Make a base controller, from which you extend every controller you make for your website:
    abstract class Controller_Base extends \Controller_Template
     protected $view = '';
     protected $data = array();
     public function after($response)
       $class = \Str::lower(substr(\Inflector::denamespace(\Request::active()->controller), 11));
       $method = \Request::active()->action;
       $this->view = "{$class}/{$method}";
      $this->template->body = \View::forge($this->view, $this->data);

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