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how to load view
  • how to load view w/o include template in template.php ?
  • Not sure what you mean, but this should work:
    $this->output = View::factory('home');

    or this if you want it to be outputted as a string:
    $this->output = View::factory('home')->render();
  • actually i dont want to use template from template.php
    i just want to $this->load->view('index',$data); just like ci. if
    $this->output = View::factory('index',$data);
    , i will get
    ErrorException [ Notice ]: Undefined variable: content

    any idea ?
  • Here's a messy-ish way of doing this: 1) Make APPPATH/views/template.php's content like this:
    echo $content;

    2) Then in your controller, to load a view do this:
    $this->content = View::factory('index',$data);

    This'll allow you to load the view kind of like in CodeIgniter. HOWEVER, I'd like to warn you that this is not really how views in FuelPHP where intended to work.
  • i just realize,i use extends Controller_Template,LOL.
    extends Controller works fine.thanks anyway guys.
  • No prob :)

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