I have a question on the use of a default template and changing it.
So I have a website which consist of a guest (normal visitor) area and admin area.
The guest and user area would have the template page as default, the admin however would have the admin_template as default.
Now I have 2 extended Controllers:
Controller_Common -> which contains the basic 404 page and extends the template
Controller_Admin extends Common -> which contains the login check, redirect to panel, login, logout AND the template_admin "public $template = 'template_admin';"
Now for the question:
My login page which will be used "Response::redirect('/admin/login');" in 2 functions (before() if loggedIn check fails and login() function) has to use the default template. As I use a redirect, will "$this->auto_render = false;" work?
Off Topic:
In the http://docs.fuelphp.com/general/controllers/template.html#omit_methods there is a small Syntax fault. A ";" is missing after "$this->auto_render = false"